Sunday | 10:00 am | - | 06:00 pm | ||||
Monday | 10:00 am | - | 12:00 pm | ||||
Tuesday | 10:00 am | - | 07:00 pm | ||||
Wednesday | 10:00 am | - | 07:00 am |
Appointments can now be made ONLINE^, or by texting or calling 541-521-4765. My regular work days currently are Sun, Mon(am), Tues, Wed, but I sometimes pick up other shifts on occasion, and may be able to accommodate other times if requested.
I am able to take Credit/Debit, Venmo, Check or Cash, and offer a $5 cash discount on massages of 60 minutes or more.
Cancelation Policy:
I ask for at least a 24 hour notice when canceling an appointment. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule. If you are unable to give 24 hours advance notice, I ask the payment of a flat-rate $50 fee. For complete "no-call, no-shows" you will be required to pay the full price of your missed appointment before booking again. There will be no charges if I am able to fill your canceled appointment's slot(you're welcome to help me find someone), or in situations of emergency or illness.
Thank you for understanding.