Massage Therapy
Maxx Newberry, LMT lic# 19616
Parking Instructions & Location

The address is 1245 Charnelton St, Eugene OR 97401.

Currently our designated spaces are the farthest 2 around the back of the building marked #9 Trisha Kluge. However, currently there are spaces out front which will remain up for grabs as long as their allotted business fronts remain vacant. I will specify which ones are available before your appointment. Please make sure to stay out of other businesses' spaces, as parking rules can be strictly enforced. If no spaces in the lots are available, there is free 2 hour parking on 12 Ave. headed West towards Everyday People Yoga, or metered street parking everywhere(free after 6pm M-F). 

When you arrive to your appointment I will meet you out front or you can text me to come let you in(we keep the front door locked for security).

Please feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions. 


Currently free to use parking spaces in front of the building as of 05/22/2024.


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